Beauty, Never Absent——On Poetic Pursuit of CAO Wenxuan
摘要: 曹文轩是一位学者型作家,他认为文学作品需要思想,也需要美感。他的最新作品《蜻蜓眼》通过对美好的女性形象、优美的意象和永恒的人性之美的书写,构建了一个充满诗意和美的世界,体现了他的古典美的美学追求。Abstract: CAO Wenxuan, a scholar-writer, believes that literary works need thought and aesthetic feeling. His latest book, Glass Eye Beads, constructs a novel that is based on the beauty of the beautiful female roles, the beautiful images and the eternal beauty of humanity. This novel builds a beautiful and poetic world, which shows his pursuit of classical beauty.