In order to construct Xinyang urban system, it is necessary to shape the framework of "one-core+three-child" four-sub areas. "One-core" is the old district of Xinyang city, shaped by "Shihe district +Pingqiao district, "three-child" are the three county-grade centers, including Huangchuan county, Guangshan county and Shangcheng county, and "four-sub areas" are the following areas: the western area is formed by "Pingqiao district+Shihe district+Luoshan county"; the northern area is formed by "Huangchuan county+Xixian county+Huaibin county"; the eastern area is formed by "Gushi county +Shangcheng county"; and the southern area is formed by "Guangshan county+Xinxian county". The method of "three-line driving one area" and "three-group driving one group" must be applied in the western area; the method of "three-group+three-node" must be applied in northern area; in the eastern area, the framework of "crescent-group+three-group" "center-periphery" should be shaped in the eastern area; and in the southern area, the framework of "one-corridor+two-chain+two-group" should be constructed finally. During the process of constructing urban system, urban chain, urban group and node centre must be emphasized.