
A Research on the Ontological Status of China English

  • 摘要: 英语的全球化与本土化构成了当今复杂的世界英语语境,形成了各具文化特色的多种英语变体,中国英语在这一背景下应运而生。文章以世界英语理论和研究方法为基础,考察英语在中国社会生活中所发挥的功能、语言形态以及认同度,探究中国英语由使用型变体到制度化变体的可转换性,在充分说明中国英语在世界英语语境下所具备的交际功能、文化功能和认同功能的立论基础上,论证了中国英语的本体论地位。


    Abstract: The globalization and localization of English forms the currently complex context of World Englishes, and causes many English varieties with different cultural characteristics. Under this big social background China English comes into being. Since the concept of "China English" being proposed, it has gone through 38 years, but has not yet been officially recognized and has its own status. Based on World Englishes theory and methodology, this paper examines the roles that English plays in the social life of China, the linguistic forms and the recognition, explores the transformation possibility from performance variety to institutionalized variety. It also analyses the communicative, cultural and identical functions of China English in the context of World Englishes, and justifies the ontological status of China English.


