Tao, so Keeping Mind still ——WANG Chuanshan
摘要: 王船山诠释孟子的“知言养气”章,认为北宫黝、孟施舍、告子等人都是“不动心有道”,而孔、孟圣学是“有道不动心”。孟子以持志为本,集义养气、学诲知言而至义精仁熟,自然“不动心”,告子等人是在“不动心”上下功夫,而孟子“不动心”是自致的功效。在“心气不二”的气本论前提下,王船山将孟子的持志、集义、养气、知言贯通为一,彰显出孟子心性之学的气学特征。Abstract: By interpreting the chapter "Knowing Speech and Nourishing the Spirit" of Mencius, WANG Chuanshan thinks that Gaozi holds the view of "keeping mind still with Tao", but Mencius holds the view of "Tao, so keeping mind still". Under the premise of the ontology of Qi(气), WANG Chuanshan combines "clinging to ambition", "accumulation of righteousness", "nourishing the spirit" and "knowing speech" into an organic whole, revealing the Qi(气)characteristic of the mentality theory of Mencius.