
Research on Farmer Workers Citizenship Cost Sharing Mechanism Based on the Perspective of Stak

  • 摘要: 农民工市民化进程滞后是影响我国新型城镇化质量及速度的主要障碍,而市民化的高昂成本又是其进程滞后的根本原因。通过对农民工市民化内涵和成本分析,构建各利益相关主体的利益函数及混合策略纳什均衡矩阵,得到农民工市民化成本分担的最优均衡解。研究认为,中央政府和地方政府应共同分担市民化的公共成本。中央政府采取鼓励策略,加大一般公共支出和财政转移支付,地方政府相应配合推进农民工市民化进程。作为农民工市民化主体和受益者的企业和个人,主要承担农民工市民化的非公共成本,企业应通过建立"同工同酬、同工同时、同工同权"的管理制度,分担农民工的私人成本,进而提升农民工个人的市民化能力。


    Abstract: The lag of farmer workersapos; citizenship process is a major obstacle to the quality and speed of new urbanization in China, and the high cost of citizenship is also the root cause of the lagging process. Based on the stakeholdersapos; perspective, this paper analyzes the cost-sharing mechanism of farmer workersapos; citizenization by using game theory, establishes the pure strategy Nash equilibrium matrix for the central government, local government, enterprises and farmer workers and finds the optimal Nash equilibrium solution. According to the research, the central government and local government should share the common cost of citizenship. For example, the central government should adopt the encouragement strategy to increase the general public expenditure and the transfer payment, and the local governments cooperate with each other to promote the farmer workersapos; citizenization process. Enterprises and individuals are the main participants and beneficiaries of the farmer workersapos; citizenship. They mainly undertake the non-public costs of urbanization. Enterprises should share the private costs of farmer workers through the establishment of a management system of "equal pay for equal work, equal work for equal time and equal work for equal rights", share the private costs of farmer workers, and improve the ability to citizenship.


