
Research On the Structure of FAN Cuiting’s Traditional Opera Composition

  • 摘要: 通观樊粹庭现存49部戏曲作品,其结构规律主要表现在三个方面:一是结构整体的有机统一,首先结构完整统一,其次情节段落间过渡自然,如剧情体制以“一人一事” 为中心,行当布局以生旦贯穿;二是情节编排上正反搭配,在结构全局和局部之间、情节段落之间都遵循相反相成的原则;三是场面选择上主次分明,对戏剧效果突出的场面重点表现,在与主题、主线、戏剧性相关的情节中,选择最能准确表现事件发展和人物形象的场面做重点开掘。


    Abstract: Analyzing the rule of structural art in FAN Cuiting's 49 traditional operas,it mainly includes three aspects.The first is the organic unity of the whole structure. FAN Cuiting inherited the theory of one people one thing,male and female characters always being the main ones of stories on the stage. The second is the positive and nesative collocation in plots.The last one is to select dramatic scenes.The drama scenes related to the subject and the main line,can be selected since they can most accurately describe the events and shape the characters.


