
Understanding the Chinese Orientation of Marxist Philosophy

  • 摘要: 中国道路的成功得益于马克思主义哲学中国化的发展与创新。中国道路与马克思主义哲学中国化发展与创新是内在统一的关系,马克思主义哲学中国化发展与创新对中国道路的开辟具有根本性的指导意义。中国道路的开创丰富和发展了马克思主义哲学中国化的内涵:一是实践优先、开放创造的哲学担当;二是高扬人民主体性原则;三是实践辩证法的创造性运用。马克思主义哲学中国化发展与创新开启的中国道路,立足于中国的实际,并从世界历史语境出发审视中国,不仅是对中国问题的真实把握,而且也是对世界问题的真实体悟。


    Abstract: The success of Chinese way is deeply hidden in the development and innovation of the Chinese orientation of Marxist philosophy. There is internal relation between Chinese way and Chinese development and innovation in the Chinese orientation of Marxist philosophy, and the latter has a fundamental significance for the initiate of Chinese way, which in turn enrich and develop the connotation of the Chinese orientation of Marxist philosophy, firstly to put practice first and have the philosophical content of openness and creation; secondly to uplift peopleapos;s subjectivity principle; and thirdly to apply practical dialectics creatively. This Chinese way is based on the Chinese reality, and looks at China from the perspective of world history. It is of great significance, not only for understanding Chinese real problems, but also the world problems.


