The Experience and Enlightenment of the Development of Forestry Education in Vitoria, Australia
摘要: 澳大利亚的林业教育起源于对森林保护的需求,其系统化的林业教育起源于20世纪初。澳大利亚的第一所林业学院建立在维多利亚州,被称为“从斧头走向生态”的教育尝试。在100多年的发展中,维多利亚州林业教育的发展经历了重重变化和挑战,最终成为澳洲林业教育的范本,为澳洲乃至世界的林业教育发展提供了有价值的参考。Abstract: The protection of forest stimulated the forestry education in Australia. In Australia, the systematic forestry education formed in the early 20th century. The first forestry school which was "from axe to ecology" was established in Victoria. During the one-hundred year period, the forestry education in Victoria has experienced changes and challenges, and became the model in the whole country, even the world.