
The Transformation of Mainstream Ideology and Establishment of Governance Ideology

  • 摘要: 改革开放以来的中国实践促使了我国主流意识形态在保持稳定、连贯、一致的同时实现了重大的转型。党的十八大之后,我国主流意识形态正在向以治理理念为核心的治理型意识形态转型。治理型意识形态是以现代治理为核心理念的意识形态体系,其基本特色是尊重、协调不同群体的利益诉求和冲突,注重和谐共生及制度体系建设,以系统性和现代性推进意识形态工作。因而,治理型意识形态的构建必须以现代治理理念为核心,坚持人民立场、体现时代特色,积极培育价值包容型、利益融合型和创新发展型意识形态。


    Abstract: Changes in the economic base,sooner or later, will lead to ideological changes. Before the reform and opening up, China's mainstream ideology has been around the "revolution" and "class struggle", the socialist construction is also under the guidance of the traditional revolutionary struggle. After the end of the cultural revolution, our party puts forward a series of new ideas and methods,such as the liberation and development of productive forces, Three Represents, scientific development,harmonious society and so on.While maintaining the stability, coherence and consistency are the mainstream ideology. The transition of mainstream ideology is realized. After the 18th national congress of the CPC, the concept of modern governance which focuses on top-level design and institutional mechanisms has gradually become the core concept of today's society. And the mainstream ideology of our country is being transformed into governance ideology.


