Confuciuss Image of Teacher in the Vision of KANG Youwei and LIANG Qichao
摘要: 清末民族危亡时期,康有为、梁启超基于特殊的政治目的,对孔子的教师形象进行了不同的解读与塑造。康有为将孔子圣化为孔教教主,试图为托古改制提供合理依据,减少变法阻力。梁启超祛除了对孔子教师形象的宗教化和迷信化塑造,吸收西方理性思想,转而重新推崇孔子为道德、理性之师。在康有为、梁启超互为镜像的阐释下,孔子的教师形象呈现出宗教性与现代性相互杂糅的特点。Abstract: In the late Qing dynasty, KANG Youwei and LIANG Qichao dictated Confucius by political purpose in different ways. KANG Youwei made Confucius the leader of Confuciusapos;s religion, while LIANG Qichao chose to weapon Confucius by reason which came from western countries. KANG intended to change Chinaapos;s reality by religious ways. LIANG chose an opposite way. Mixed by these two ways, Confucius teacherapos;s images showed characters of religion and modernism.