
The Deification of Human Ancestors: Yandi, Zhu Rong and the Worship for Sun God

  • 摘要: 在上古史传说中,炎帝初被奉祀为火神,后又被升格为日神,其精“朱鸟”与日精踆乌为同一物;祝融为炎帝之佐,从而亦有火神、日神的神格;“祝融”是对火正一职的尊称,而非一人之专名,重黎、吴回、陆终因相继担任火正而都有“祝融”之尊号。祝融是楚人的先祖,楚人奉祀祝融,自然也尊奉祝融所依从的炎帝,楚人以炎帝、祝融为日神,是英雄、祖先崇拜与太阳崇拜相结合的产物,是人神合一的日神崇拜。


    Abstract: In the ancient legends, The Yandi was worshipped as a god of fire early, and was upgraded to Sun god later, his "Zhu niao" was the same thing as "Cun Wu"; Zhu Rong is the Secretary of Yan, so he also has the characters of fire and sun god; Zhu Rong is a title of fire rather than one's special name. Zhong Li, Wu Hui, Lu Zong all have the appellation of Zhu Rong because they are inherited the position of fire regularly. Zhu Rong was the ancestor of Chu, all of people offer sacrifices to him. Naturally, Yandi was venerated too. People considered Yandi, Zhu Rong as sun god, which is the product of combining the adoration of Hero, ancestor and sun.


