
On What Being China from the Origin of the Chinese Nation in Central China

  • 摘要: 中国文明的起源与“最早中国”是完全不同的两个命题。所谓“中国文明的起源”或“中国国家的起源”探讨的是在现在的中国大地上,与现在的中国有渊源关系的“文明社会的起源”或“国家的起源”。所谓“最初的中国”探讨的是“中国”这个概念最初指的是什么,它如何出现的,它是如何演变为我们现在所说的“中国”等问题。通过考证,我们发现,“中国”这一概念最初的出现与“多元一体的复合制王朝国家结构”是密不可分的;《说文解字》所说的“夏,中国之人也”,就是把中国一词与夏王朝国家的出现和华夏民族的形成关联在了一起。也就是说,在复合制国家结构中,王朝与“天下”才具有了同一性;王朝的政治中心即国都,与所谓“土中”和“国中”具有同一性。由此,我们说,“中国”一词的概念经历了这样一个演变过程:位于洛邑的国中—中原王朝—历代封建王朝—统一的多民族国家。


    Abstract: The origin of Chinese civilization and "the earliest China" are two different propositions. The so-called "the origin of Chinese civilization" or "the origins of China's state" explores the origin of civilization or the origin of the country in present China. The so-called "original China" is about what the concept of China originally meant, how it emerged, and how it evolved into what we now call China. Through textual research, we find that the initial emergence of the concept of China is closely related to the structure of the "composite system of a composite dynasty". The "Chinese people", as mentioned in the article, is related to the emergence of China and the emergence of the Xia Dynasty and the formation of the Chinese nation. In other words, in the composite national structure, the dynasty and the "world" have the identity; The political center of the dynasty is the capital, which is identical with the so-called "the earth" and "China". Hence we say that the concept of China has experienced such an evolution.


