The Canonized Narrative Craft of For a Word
摘要: 电视剧《为了一句话》根据刘震云的长篇小说《一句顶一万句》改编而成,《为了一句话》沉着地叙述老故事,不事张扬,着力在电视文本、表达方式和影像、声音、音乐、色彩等电视语言上下功夫,表达了世道的艰难,生活的不易。该剧叙事平静,格调沉郁,手法冷峻,精神深邃,故事演进虽平静如流水,但静中暗流涌动,让人进入便欲罢不能,堪称经典。Abstract: The TV drama named For a Word narrated an old story calmly.It focus on the drama text ,means of expression and film language including image,sound,music,color composition.The teleplay expressed the difficulty of life in our world.The style of For a Word is melancholy ,to presentate profound spirit in precise expression and calm narration.But under the clam surface,the story is not clam inside.No matter who in front of it can not think seriously,so this drama can be regarded as a classic.