
Local Militarization and Its Economic and Social Effects in Beiyang Period

  • 摘要: 北洋时期,中国地方军事化已达到极点。由于执政当局无力提供过于膨胀的军事给养,更不能统御地方武装力量,军阀动辄以摊派、抢劫等手段疯狂掠夺地方生存资源。而地方社会在守护与争夺生存资源中,又分化出枪会、民团等武装组织。这些问题导致越来越多的民众深陷于军事化漩涡而不能自救。


    Abstract: Local militarization reached its peak in Beiyang period. Because the ruling authorities cannot control the local armed forces, and is unable to provide the excessive expansion of military supplies, warlords gain local living resources frequently by means of apportion, robbery and other crazy ways. For survival or guardian of resources, the local society is differentiated to bandits, spears, and the other armed organizations, which makes more and more people get into the military vortex and unable to extricate themselves.


