
The Developmental Characteristics of Part-list Cuing Effect

  • 摘要: 为了探索部分线索效应的发展特点,采用部分线索效应的经典研究范式和2×4的混合实验设计(线索条件、年龄),让被试学习30个双字词,之后请被试回忆学过的词汇,回忆时给一半被试15个学过的词汇作为提取线索,让他们回忆剩余的项目,另一半被试没有任何线索。以被试对非线索词汇正确回忆的个数为指标,计算被试的提取成绩,用部分线索组与无线索组被试回忆成绩的差异作为考察部分线索效应大小的指标。结果表明:(1)部分线索的提供对各年龄组被试的回忆都产生了损害;(2)部分线索对记忆的削减表现出随年龄增长而增加的趋势,部分线索效应的大小,在小五到高二之间变化比较大。


    Abstract: When people are asked to recall words they have studied earlier from a list, those given a subset of these words as cues recall fewer words than people who do not receive any cues. This phenomenon is the so-called part-list cuing effect. Adopting the part-list cuing effect paradigm and the 2×4 two factors mixed experimental design(cuing, age), this research examined the developmental characteristics of part-list cuing effect. Participants learned a word list of 30 items, after that the participants of no part-list cuing condition were instructed to freely recall all the items, the part-list cuing condition were provided with a subset of 15 intra-list items and use them as retrieval cues for recalling the remaining items. The difference between cued condition and uncued condition showed the size of the effect. The findings show that: (1)The part-list cuing effect occurred in participants of all grades selected, that is to say, the providing of the part-list cues had an inhibiting effect on all ages;(2)Significant difference of participantsapos; memory reduction amount was found among the four groups of participants, the higher the grade, the more the memory reduction amount appear, and the part-list cuing effect had a great change from 10 to 14 years old.


