
The Journey of the World and Soul——On the Confounding and Modern Significance of The Travels of Lao

  • 摘要: 《老残游记》是一部具有很大混杂性的小说,既有对晚清时期帝国世态风物的写真,又有自我辩诬泄愤的自传式叙述,还花费许多笔墨表达了对政治时局的关切和评判,而这些都没有统一在小说的叙述中。《老残游记》既有谴责、政治、侦探、公案等晚清通俗小说元素,又有为当时士人群体所喜的抒情元素。《老残游记》混杂性的原因在于作者创作欲求的多样性、读者市场的倾向性和小说体式的实验性。


    Abstract: The Travels of Lao Ts'an is a jumble of novels, including the realistic and self-justifying narration of the imperial world in the late Qing Dynasty, and the many strokes of the novels are divided in the novel. The novel contains elements of popular fictions, such as politics and detective, as well as the lyrical elements that were loved by intellectuals at the time. It is mixed with the author's desire for diversity, the tendency of the readers' market and the experimental style of the novel.


