
Classic Problems and Doubts in History of Literature

  • 摘要: 在文学史中,围绕着经典的写作可以说是一个铁定的惯例,如果我们反逻辑去思考,这一理论的形式逻辑关系和既成的文学史事实就可能存在着很大的问题。问题之一是围绕经典写作文学史是不是科学的方法和途径? 问题之二是经典是如何造就的,是否具有正当性? 由于文学史写作思路、方法、模式等方面已固定化,目前呈现的当代文学史文本都有很大的局限性。文学史的真实性是有限的或部分的,我们很可能是在虚假的“历史想象” 中接受文学教育,形成我们的文学认知模式。当代中国文学史如何写作? 历时性与共时性的结合就可能成为当代文学史写作的最优选择。


    Abstract: In the history of literature, the writing around classics can be an ironclad rule. If we think reversely the logic, there may be serious problems in the logical relationship of this theory and the facts of literary history. One of the existing problems is whether the writing around classics is a scientific method, and the other problem is the classics could come into being, or whether there is justification. Because of the ideas, methods and modes of its writing has been immobilized, at present , there are some limitations in the contemporary literary texts. The truth of history of literature is of limited or partial, so we may well be in a false "historical imagination" to accept literary education, for our own cognitive models in the writing of Contemporary Chinese literature history, the combination of diachronic writing may become the best choice.


