
Liu Xianxin

  • 摘要: 史表是古代纪传体史书中的一种重要体例,与本纪和列传配合使用,可以使历史脉络更加明晰。清末民初学者刘咸炘在讨论史体时,对史表非常关注,他结合历代学者的言论,就史表的功用、《史记》《汉书》等史书中诸表的得失展开论述,并且对刘知幾轻视甚至鄙弃史表的言论提出了全面的驳议,充分肯定史表在史书中具有不可替代的地位和作用。刘咸炘史表观公允可信,推进了对史表的研究,表现出较高的史识。


    Abstract: The historical table is a style of ancient history. When discussing the history, Liu Xianxin paid close attention to the historical table. He combined the remarks of ancient scholars, gains and losses on the function of history, the Historical Records, Book of Han in historical table and launched the elaboration. Liu Zhiji's view of historical table, showing higher knowledge, provides a refutation, and promotes the study of historical table.


