
  • 摘要: 孔子是儒家学派的创始人。儒家学说以“仁” 为其研究的核心,孔子把“仁” 视为最高的道德原则和道德标准。儒家学说在创立后的两千余年间,得以不断传承和绵延发展,在中国古代社会逐渐成为中国传统文化的主体。儒家思想中虽然有不少封建糟粕,但仍有很多思想成为中国传统文化中的精粹,在今天仍然值得我们深思和借鉴。孔子是最早提出教育核心问题并尝试解答问题的“至圣先师”,因此,以孔子诞辰日作为教师节对于中华民族而言应该是最能形成共识的文化符号和人格形象。


    Abstract: Confucius was the founder of the Confucian School. With its inheritance and development more than two thousand years after its founding, Confucianism has gradually become the main body of Chinese feudal culture. Confucius was the first person who put forward the core problems of education and was regarded as "Holy Great Teacher" for trying to solve the core problems first.It has formed a consensus that taking the birthday of Confucius as Teacher's Day in China could mostly represent Chinese cultural symbol and personality image.


