
Legal Analysis and Implementation Strategy on the Exit Mechanism for Free Normal University Students

  • 摘要: 免费师范生教育政策实施十年来,基础教育师资水平低下、高素质教师匮乏的突出问题得以缓解,但在政策实施过程中,免费师范生违约容易、解约受阻和免费教育实践中相关方矛盾等问题依然存在。通过分析违约事件,厘清违约、解约和矛盾问题并究其成因,进而对免费教育政策进行法理分析,为免费师范生退出机制的建立提供法理依据,对免费师范生退出机制的建立给予实施建议,以便于改进免费师范生教育政策。


    Abstract: During the 10 years since the implementation of the free education policy for normal university students, the outstanding problems of teachers with low basic education and lack of highly qualified teachers have been gradually solved. However, during the policy implementation process, it is easy for teachers and students to break the contract, the agreement is blocked and the contradictions in Free Education Practice are overridden prominently. By analyzing the facts of default, we can clarify the causes of breaking a contract, termination and contradiction, and make a legal analysis of the free education policy, which can provide the legal basis for the establishment of the withdrawal mechanism of free normal students. Finally, some implementation suggestions are put forward for establishing the exit mechanism so as to improve the free education policy for normal university students.


