
Poetry of the Song Dynasty and SONG Yu

  • 摘要: 宋玉感伤之形象、悲秋之意绪、文人才士沦落不偶之坎壈生平,以及宋玉作品,尤其是宋玉赋中对男女情事之描写,凝练为多个具有典型意义的意象、语典,这些意象、语典大量出现在宋词之中,显示了宋玉及其作品的深入而持久的影响力。对《全宋词》中运用、提及“ 宋玉”“ 巫山”“巫阳”“阳春白雪”“云雨”“高唐”等意象、语典的作者作品进行深入探论,必将有助于我们更深入细致地认识相关作者及其词作,并从中觇视宋玉及其作品的特殊的文学史意义。


    Abstract: SONG Yu’s sentimental figure, frustrated life and works, especially his description of love between man and woman often appear in the poems of the Song Dynasty, which reflect the deep and lasting influence of Song Yu himself and his works. Analyzing the works mentioning Song Yu, Wu Mountain, Wu Yang, highbrow art and literature, Making Love, Gao Tang inThe Collection of Song Poems will help us deeply understand the authors and their works.Meanwhile, we can have a better understanding of the contribution of Song Yu and his works.


