
Gorgeous, Bright, and Legendary: On Zhao Dahe’s Long Historical Novel The Burning Castle

  • 摘要: 在新近出版的长篇历史小说《燃烧的城堡》中,河南作家赵大河以绮丽、明朗、传奇的艺术形式书写了腾冲人民艰苦卓绝的抗战英雄史诗,表达了作者浓厚的民族情感和家国情怀,张扬了作者非凡的艺术想象力和文体创造力。在取得这些艺术成就的同时,由叙事视角的过于强势、叙事结构的自我删节、故事讲述的传奇巧合带来的人物形象的模糊单薄、故事氛围的简单轻巧、历史书写的失真粗糙也应该引起足够的重视。


    Abstract: In the newly published long historical novel The Burning Castle, Henan novelist Zhao Dahe wrote the outstanding epic of the anti-Japanese war heroes of the Tengchong people in a beautiful, bright, and legendary artistic form, expressing the author’s strong national and patriotic sentiments, and spreading his extraordinary artistic imagination and literary creativity. While achieving these artistic achievements, the following aspects should also be given sufficient attention: the overly dominant narrative perspective, self deletion of narrative structure, the legend and coincidence in story telling making the character images blurred and thin, the atmosphere of the story simple and light, and the historical writing distorted and rough.


