
On the Triple Endogenous Relationship between Marx's Distributive Justice and Common Prosperity

  • 摘要: 马克思分配正义与共同富裕的关联主要通过二者之间的内生关系体现。首先,马克思分配正义的生产原则在事实层面确立共同富裕的发展条件、发展动力、发展阶段,内生共同富裕的发展性;其次,马克思分配正义的价值原则在价值层面确立共同富裕的共享前提、共享机会以及共享结果,内生共同富裕的共享性;再次,马克思分配正义的解放原则在实践层面确立共同富裕的物质基础、道德追求、精神需要,内生共同富裕的人民性。马克思分配正义与共同富裕的三重内生关系表明,共同富裕既是分配正义的当代体现,又是促进社会正义的重要动力和系统工程。


    Abstract: The fundamental connection between Marxian distributive justice and common prosperity centers on the endogenous relationship between the two, which is threefold in nature. Firstly, the production principle of Marx's distributive justice establishes the development conditions, development power, and development stage of common prosperity at the factual level, endogenizing the developmental nature of common prosperity. Secondly, the value principle of Marx's distributive justice establishes the sharing premise, sharing opportunity, and sharing result of common prosperity at the value level, endogenizing the sharing nature of common prosperity. Finally, the emancipation principle of Marx's distributive justice establishes the material basis, moral pursuit, and spiritual need of common prosperity at the practical level, endogenizing the people's nature of common prosperity. The endogenous relationship between Marx's distributive justice and common prosperity shows that common prosperity is not only a contemporary manifestation of distributive justice, but also an important driving force and systematic project for promoting social justice.


