
Exploration of Narrative Therapy in School Ideological and Political Education

  • 摘要: 学校思想政治教育叙事疗法是叙事疗法在学校思想政治教育中的具体运用。之所以有必要把叙事疗法运用于学校思想政治教育,是因为二者的目标具有一致性、内容有所重叠、载体和手段具有共性,且叙事疗法的运用能够充实学校思想政治教育的目标,丰富其内容,提升其效能。针对应用中存在的难点,学校思想政治教育叙事疗法的应对策略主要包括:故事叙述,重在重构;科学归因,问题外化;善用文本,注重仪式;丰富生命体验,建构人生意义。


    Abstract: Narrative therapy in school ideological and political education is the specific application of narrative therapy in school ideological and political education. The reason why narrative therapy can and is necessary to be applied to ideological and political education in schools is because the goals of the two are consistent, the content overlaps, and the carriers and methods have commonalities. Moreover, the application of narrative therapy can enrich the goals of ideological and political education in schools, enrich its content, and enhance its effectiveness. The content and application requirements of narrative therapy in school ideological and political education mainly include: storytelling, from thin to thick; Scientific attribution and problem externalization; Make good use of text and pay attention to ceremony; Enrich life experience and construct life meaning.


