
The Dramatic Poetic Realm: Basic Connotations, Construction Methods and Multiple Values

  • 摘要: “戏剧诗境”是戏剧学领域值得探讨的一个重要概念。所谓“戏剧诗境”是指兼具戏剧性与诗性的情境,或者说是戏剧性情境与诗境复合而成的有机整体。它们往往既扣人心弦、引人入胜,又出人意外、耐人寻味,使人进入一个有别于现实生活的、更高远更深邃的灵境之中。有无戏剧诗境对于戏剧作品来说是性命攸关之事:有则可演可传,无则湮没无闻。对于戏剧创作者来说,精心营构戏剧诗境,实现戏剧性与诗性的高度融合,有助于创造出优秀戏剧或一流戏剧;对于戏剧鉴赏者、评论者来说,重点关注戏剧诗境,着重探讨作者营构戏剧诗境的方法,有助于贴近戏剧本体、把握作品精髓。鉴于在事实层面中国戏曲可称为“剧诗”、中国话剧具有“诗化传统”、域外一流戏剧往往戏剧性很强且兼具“诗的境界”的事实,在理论层面上“戏剧诗境”对于戏剧创作、戏剧评论、戏剧美育都具有重要意义,因而完全可以考虑将“戏剧诗境”纳入中国戏剧学话语体系之中。


    Abstract: The dramatic poetic realm, an important concept in drama poetics research, refers to a dramatic and poetic situation, or the organic whole of a dramatic situation and a poetic realm. It is often thrilling and intriguing, but also unexpected and thought-provoking, bringing people into an otherworldly realm far away from the real world. The dramatic poetic realm is of vital importance for dramatic works because it makes them performable and allows them to be passed down from generation to generation, otherwise the works will vanish into smoke. For dramatists, constructing dramatic poetic realm through the high integration of dramaticism and poetics can contribute to an excellent work or a first-class drama. For the audience and critics, focusing on the dramatic poetic realm and also on its construction methods allows them to get closer to the drama ousia and grasp its essence. Given the fact that Chinese opera is also called "dramatic poetry",Chinese spoken drama has a poetization tradition, and first-class foreign dramas are often highly dramatic and poetic, while the concept of the dramatic poetic realm is theoretically of great significance for drama creation, criticism and aesthetic education, it is advisable to include the dramatic poetic realm into the discourse system of Chinese Drama Study.


