Research Achievements about Hanfeizi's Thoughts during Tang and Song Dynasties
摘要: 唐宋时期的韩非学, 其"形式"以"评论"为主, 虽然唐代学者的评论文字留存不多, 但两宋学者的评论文字留存却很多. 在政治层面, 唐代官方并不提倡韩非之学, 宋代官方对韩非的态度较为模糊, 但是两宋学者评论韩非受王安石变法与宋代党争影响, 大有影射王安石之意, 后来直接将王安石与申韩一起并入异端邪说名录. 在价值取向层面, 儒家本位意识突出, 特别是儒家道统观念流行以后, "门户之见"成为评判韩非的前提预设. 在主要命题层面, 除去沿袭《史记》对韩非生平事迹、学术宗旨的评价外, 基本是在评论历代政治得失、历史人物功过是非时, 附带提及韩非, 将其作为评判历史问题的负面价值评判标尺.Abstract: Research achievements about Hanfeizi's thoughts during Tang and Song Dynasties took critic as the main form, and the amount of research achievements about Hanfeizi and his thoughts was imbalanced, more in Song Dynasties. All of the research achievements were reflected in the following three aspects: (1) Official attitudes towards Hanfeizi's thoughts in Tang Dynasty were negative, but in Song Dynasty they were not clear, and mostly affected by Wang Anshi; (2) Value attitudes towards Hanfeizi's thoughts in Tang Dynasty were not clear, and in Song Dynasty they were influenced by Neo-Confucian; (3) The main topics about Hanfeizi's thoughts were influenced by Sima Qian and he was taken as a yardstick of negative value to judge historical issues.