The Effects of Target Type and Cognitive Flexibility on Task Performance
摘要: 为了考察被试在完成经典的课表编排任务中目标类型和认知灵活性对任务绩效的影响, 采用被试间实验设计开展实验研究, 结果发现, 目标类型主效应显著, 设定有挑战性绩效目标的被试任务绩效显著高于设定有学习目标的被试; 认知灵活性主效应显著, 与认知灵活性较低的被试相比, 认知灵活性高的被试任务绩效更高; 目标类型与认知灵活性交互作用显著, 认知灵活性高的被试在设定绩效目标时任务绩效更高; 认知灵活性低的被试在设定学习目标时任务绩效更高. 研究结果表明, 在复杂问题解决中, 人们会综合考虑自己对当前任务相关知识或技能的掌握水平, 以及自己的认知灵活性, 合理设定任务目标类型.Abstract: The effects of target type and cognitive flexibility on task performance were investigated by inter-subject experiment design. The results showed that the main effect of target type was significant. The task performance of the subjects who set the challenging performance target was significantly higher than that of the subjects who set the learning target. The main effect of cognitive flexibility was significant, and the subjects with higher cognitive flexibility had higher task performance. There were a significant interaction between target type and cognitive flexibility. Subjects with high cognitive flexibility had higher task performance when setting performance target. The research results show that in complex problem solving, task target should be set reasonably according to one's mastery of current task-related knowledge or skills and one's cognitive flexibility.