
On the Logical Approach of Marx's Thoughts on Fair Distribution

  • 摘要: 马克思分配公平思想是在批判古典经济学和庸俗经济学的过程中逐渐生成的, 是马克思主义理论体系的有机组成部分. 这一思想立足唯物史观, 深刻揭露了资本主义雇佣劳动制度剥削工人的秘密及其对劳动正义的背离, 系统论证了生产决定分配这一原理, 以实现人的自由全面发展为价值旨归, 由此建构起马克思关于分配公平问题的逻辑发展进路, 为人们正确理解按劳分配提供了理论指引.


    Abstract: Marx's thoughts of fair distribution were gradually generated in the process of criticizing classical and vulgar economics, and now have become an organic component of the Marxist theoretical system. Based on historical materialism, the thoughts deeply reveal the secret of the exploitation of capitalist wage labor system and its deviation from labor justice, systematically demonstrates the principle that production determines distribution, and ultimately devotes itself to realizing the free and comprehensive development of human beings, thus building a logical development path on the issue of distribution fairness, providing theoretical guidance for people to correctly understand distribution according to work.


