The think tank of higher education internationalization is an important think tank to promote the international process of higher education in countries under the “Belt and Road Initiative”, and boost the high-quality development of “Belt and Road Initiative”.“Belt and Road”higher education internationization tink tank is a tank which carries out strategic and policy research around the strategic, prosepctive ,systematic problems in“Belt and Road ” higher education reform and higher education international cooperation, in order to provide decision-making adevices for the “Belth and Road ”higher education internationalization development. It made clear that the think tank is responsible to boost the sustainable development of the Belt and Road Initiative, service to build a "Belt and Road Initiative" higher education community, and the mission of cultivating international talents in higher education, analyzing the five characteristics of the think tank: inclusiveness, mutual learning, coordination,mutual trust,internationallization and future-oriented.The construction of “Belt and Road”think tank of higher education internationalization should be focused on the following four aspects: first, to clarify the development concept and implement the mission of the international think tank of higher education; second, to uphold the international cooperation framework of higher education; third, to promote integration and communication and share the development resources of higher education; fourth, to improve the influence of the international think tank of higher education.