
On the Night Image in LI Shangyin's Poetry

  • 摘要: 夜意象是中国传统诗歌的书写主题。唐代诗歌夜意象描写丰富而且多元,晚唐诗人李商隐流传下来的近600首诗歌中,关于“夜”的意象描写很多,且以“夜”为核心的词汇非常丰富。统计发现,李商隐诗歌中关于夜意象的描写有550余处,说明其诗歌创作不仅善于运用夜意象,而且夜意象描写丰富、密集。李商隐诗歌夜意象具有时间、情感、社会指向,大致可以归纳为黄昏意象、灯烛意象、月意象、梦意象等几种类型,这些意象显示出其诗歌的凄寒孤寂、朦胧哀艳、幽怨感伤等审美特征,而这种特征是由晚唐时代风貌、精神流变等社会因素以及身世家庭、性格爱好等个体因素使然。


    Abstract: Among nearly 600 poems written by LI Shangyin, the great poet in the late Tang Dynasty, there are many descriptions of “night” image and abundant expressions of “night”. Statistically, more than 550 words and expressions are used to depict night image in LI Shangyin's poems, which indicates that he is quite skilled at descripting night image in his poems. The night image in LI Shangyin's poems can be roughly summarized into the images of moon, lamp, dusk, dream, etc. These images are used to show the aesthetic features of coldness, loneliness, mournfulness, and sentimentality, which are caused by social and personal factors relatively of the spirit changes in the late Tang Dynasty, and Li Shangyin's family changes, and his characters.


