
The Present Situation and Optimization of University Cyberspace Governance in the “Post-Truth” Era

  • 摘要: 网络传播技术的日臻完善为各类媒体借助新叙述方式分享信息提供了便利,但也为其利用信息受众立场的不同营造“情感大于真相”的舆论氛围创造了条件。主流意识形态权威在“后真相”铺天盖地的失实舆论中被不断消解,网络作为大学生学习生活的重要场域,“后真相”现象不断蔓延滋生极易导致大学生价值判断出现偏差,沉溺于情感的宣泄而非真相的探寻,对高校网络空间治理提出严峻挑战。因此,必须深入剖析“后真相”时代高校网络空间治理乱象,采取措施从意识形态建设、优化算法推送、主流思想引领、课堂资源统筹等方面破解“后真相”时代高校网络空间治理难题。


    Abstract: The advancement of the network technology facilitates the dissemination of information through all kinds of media, and provides conditions for the public opinion of “emotion over truth”. The authority of mainstream ideology has been constantly challenged because of the overwhelming false media reports in“post-truth”era. The present “post-truth” situation misleads college students who are immersed in cyberspace about “emotion over truth”instead of making objective judgement, and poses a big challenge for cyberspace governance. Therefore, it is vital to tease out the underlying causes of university cyberspace governance chaos in the “post-truth” era, and try to solve the problem by constructing rational ideology, optimizing algorithm push, promoting mainstream ideology, and governing course resources.


