
Theoretical Exploration of Zygmunt Bauman's “the New Poor”

  • 摘要: 齐格蒙特·鲍曼对资本主义消费社会底层阶级的生存状况进行了批判性审视,洞察到西方资本主义消费社会产生了一类新型群体——新穷人——因生产力发展而没有能力去消费的人,也称为有缺陷的消费者。在鲍曼看来,新穷人在消费社会不仅无法走出生存困境,还面临一种新型的、潜在的人口消灭,基于此,他寄希望于通过伦理道德救赎的方式来帮助新穷人走出生存困境、实现自我解放、重获真正意义上的自我。齐格蒙特·鲍曼“新穷人”理论深化了人们对资本主义消费社会的认知,极富批判性和启发性。但是,由于其理论视野的局限性,对该理论需持审慎的态度。


    Abstract: Zygmunt Bauman critically examines the living conditions of the people in the bottom class in the capitalist consumer society and has gained a sight into a new type of group bred by the society, which is called the new poor, that is, the people who are unable to consume due to the development of productivity, being called disabled consumers for short. In Bauman's view, the new poor are not only unable get out of the predicament of survival in the consumer society, but also face a new type of potential population extinction. Based on this, he hopes that ethics can help the new poor get out of the predicament of survival, achieve self-liberation, and regain his or her real self. Zygmunt Bauman's theory of "the new poor" deepens people's cognition and criticism of the capitalist consumer society, which is extremely profound and inspiring. However, people need to take a cautious attitude towards Bauman's theory of "the new poor" because of the theory's own limitations. People should strive to deepen the overall understanding of this theory.


