
A Pragmatic Analysis about Waley's Translation of Tao Te Ching from the Three-dimensional Perspective

  • 摘要: 文章认为可从三个维度分析语用翻译的复杂过程:一维是翻译活动的主体因素,包括作者因素、译者因素和读者因素;二维是翻译活动的客体因素,指原文文本因素和译文文本因素;三维是翻译活动这一行为本身,即明示、推理和翻译。以此为分析框架,我们可以发现在主体因素、客体因素和翻译活动的共同作用下,《道德经》韦利译本体现出译文宏阔、措辞典雅、内容厚重的翻译特色。


    Abstract: This paper, guided by pragmatic translation theory, presents a pragmatic analysis of Waley's English translation of Tao Te Ching from the three-dimensional perspective, and reveals its distinctive pragmatic translation features when explored from each perspective. From the perspective of translation activity, the translation plan of Waley's English version of Tao Te Ching is broad. From the perspective of subjective factor, his wording in translating Tao Te Ching is very beautiful. From the perspective of objective factor, the meaning of the source text is translated properly in Waley's version.


