
Principles of Translation for China's International Communication from the Ideological Perspective

  • 摘要: 意识形态视角下,我国外宣话语在翻译叙事上应体现意识形态的主体性,对我国政治文化立场以真诚回应;在翻译思想上应坚持强化中国学派意识。由此,我国外宣话语的释译应坚持正确的意识形态立场,将目的语表达与中国文化有机融合,体现翻译语用中的主体性策略和约定俗成下的通约性原则。唯有如此,才能形成具有中华文化原型特质的跨文化产品,使外宣翻译成为真正意义上的跨语际实践活动。


    Abstract: Taking the ideological perspective, a new trend to study translation for China's international communication, the paper presents principles of translingual translation practice. The existing literature indicates that translation of publicity materials, a recreating process of cultural ideology, has its unique characteristics in the reconstruction of discourse. First, in translation narrative, subjectivity of translation should be highlighted, promoting the right ideology (taking the right political stance). Second, theoretically, the awareness of Chinese school should be presented, manifesting Chinese self-confidence in culture. Hence, the author proposes the corresponding principles of translating publicity materials within the restriction of ideology: flexibility and Conventionality. Translation for China's international communication should be Chinese-rooted while referring to foreign culture. Only by doing so can translation of publicity become the translingual practice in a real sense.


