Infatuation:Portraits of Heroes under the Candle of Family and Country Feelings
摘要: “文以载道”是中国历代知识分子的写作传统,“空谈误国,实干兴邦”是中国历代无数仁人志士谋求国家富强、民族振兴的不竭动力和力量源泉。《痴心》通过描写地方中小企业“鲁阳炭材厂”凤凰涅槃般的重生,塑造了一批在家国情怀烛照下为了民族工业发展虽屡遭挫折却痴心不改、以谋求国家富强与民族工业振兴为己任的普通却不平凡的英雄,可谓是一部家国情怀烛照下的群英谱。全书洋溢着一种激情澎湃的“家国情怀”,塑造了一批积极创业的英雄群像。作品宏大叙事与日常叙事紧密结合,取材真实,叙述精当,故而动人心魄。Abstract: That "writings for conveying truth" is the writing tradition handed down by Chinese intellectuals from generation to generation. "Empty talk spoils a country, but solid work prospers it." which is the inexhaustible driving force and source of strength for countless people with lofty ideals in China to seek national prosperity and national rejuvenation. By describing the difficult and tortuous path of Phoenix Nirvana of the local small and medium-sized enterprise brand "Luyang carbon material factory", Infatuation has created a group of ordinary but extraordinary heroes who are obsessed with national industrial development despite repeated setbacks. It can be described as a group of heroes under the candle of national feelings. The book is permeated with deep patriotism, and has created a group of heroes who actively start business. The close combination of grand narration and daily narration, based on real materials and finely polishment, makes the work breathtaking.