
CAO Zhi's View of Yan & Huang and the Community Concept of Chinese Nation in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

  • 摘要: 曹植的《神农赞》《黄帝赞》等一系列作品将炎、黄二帝的形象分为圣人君王、神灵仙人、英雄领袖、典故人物四种。这些作品赞颂了炎、黄二帝厚生爱民的丰功伟绩,反映了曹植作为贵族阶层的炎黄观,暗合了他厚德爱民的思想,也寄托了他政通人和的愿望。同时,曹植创作的《黄帝赞》,为后世赞体确定了范式。曹植对炎、黄二帝的崇拜和赞美,反映出魏晋时期士人们的炎黄观和民族共同体观念,为炎黄文化的发展做出了杰出的贡献。


    Abstract: CAO Zhi was one of the most representative writers in the Jian'an period (196-220). In a series of works, such as Ode to Shennong (the praise of Shennong) and Ode to Huangdi (the praise of Huangdi), CAO Zhi divided the images of Yanhuang into four categories:sage kings, immortal gods, heroic leaders and allusion characters. These works praised the great achievements of Yandi and Huangdi in caring for the people. It reflects CAO Zhi's view of Yan and Huang as an Aristocrat, and his thought of benevolence and love for the people, which shows his desire for political harmony and national prosperity. At the same time, CAO Zhi created a genre of Ode to Huangdi, which established a paradigm for later generations. CAO Zhi's thought on Yan and Huang reflected his worship and praise for the two emperors, his view of Yan and Huang and the community concept of Chinese nation in Wei and Jin dynasties, which has made an outstanding contribution to the development of Yanhuang culture.


