
Three Major Battles with Historical Significance by SIMA Qian

  • 摘要: 战国后期的长平之战、秦汉之际的楚汉相争、西汉盛世的汉匈大决战,是司马迁在《史记》中所写古代历史转折的三大战役。长平之战是在秦汉大一统政治取代夏、商、周三代分封建藩列国并立的政治这一历史变局拐点时期发生的大战役;楚汉相争本质是改朝换代历史变局时期发生的大战役;汉匈大决战是影响世界格局的文明冲突,即亚洲大陆板块南方农耕文明与北方游牧文明对决的大战役。文章探讨三大战役为何发生,司马迁怎样写三大战役,三大战役的历史经验教训有何现实意义。


    Abstract: There are three major battles that SIMA Qian wrote in Records of the Grand Historian, namely, Changping Battle in the late Warring States Period, Chu-Han Battle during the Qin and Han dynasties, and Han-Xiongnu Battle in the Western Han Dynasty. Changping Battle was a major event at the turning point of historical changes when Qin and Han dynasties replaced Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties. The nature of Chu-Han Battle was a civil war between Western Chu and Han, who were engaged in a struggle for supremacy over China. Han-Xiongnu Battle was a clash of civilizations that affected the world, which marked a conflict between the farming civilization in the south and the nomadic civilization in the north. The author tries to explain the battles from three aspects:causes, Sima Qian's description and practical significances of the battles.


