
The Origin, Anthologies and Poetic Thoughts of Literatus in Central Wu Area in Late

  • 摘要: 元末明初的吴中地区相继经历了元末、张士诚据吴、明初三个时期。吴中文人身处这三个时期,其出处、雅集及诗学思想都有巨大差异性。元末时期,他们以玉山雅集为中心,无拘无束,作诗只是辅助性的雅集手段,诗歌流于形式,内容贫乏,纤秾奇崛。张士诚据吴后,他们以“北郭诗社”为中心,切磋诗艺,在诗歌理论和创作上都取得了较高的成就。入明前后,由于政治文化环境的变化,他们只能选择“题咏”的方式变相延续着雅集聚会,形成了《听雨楼图诗卷》《破窗风雨图诗卷》等作品,诗歌情感悲怆,内容压抑,表达手法曲折隐晦,含蓄蕴藉。在三个时期的政权更迭中,吴中文人出处、雅集及诗学思想,既呈现出一以贯之的连续性,又因时代演变呈现出差异性。


    Abstract: There existed three regimes in central Wu area in late Yuan and early Ming periods. There was great difference of official-or-reclusion, literati's parties and poetic thought of literati in central Wu area in this period. In late Yuan they fully enjoyed the joy of writing poetry in literati's parties in Yushan and laid more emphasis on forms of poetry than the contents so that the poems were featured with luxuriance. In Zhang Shicheng's regime they made high achievements in poetic thoughts and writing when they had parties in Beiguo Poetry Club. When Ming Dynasty was founded they had to associate each other by means of painting poems and compiled Poetry Anthologies of Listening to the Rain Tower (ting yu lou tu shi juan) and Poetry Anthologies of Wind and Rain Through Broken Windows (po chuang feng yu tu shi juan). In both poetry anthologies these poems were emotionally repressed and expressed in subtle and implicit ways, which became more prominent after the Ming Dynasty was founded. As far as official-or-reclusion, literati parties and poetic thoughts were concerned, there were both continuity and metamorphosis in the course of regime change.


