
On Chinese Ancestral Identity in Taiwan's Poetry in 1895

  • 摘要: 乙未之际,在台湾地区诗歌中出现了大量关于华夏祖先的文学书写,涉及伏羲、神农、黄帝、尧、舜、禹等人,几乎呈现了完整的树状华夏祖先体系。乙未之际台湾地区诗人,在诗中或者以华夏子孙自居,或者采用华夏祖先的名字来命名大陆,或者推崇和向往华夏祖先之世,或者传承关于华夏祖先的集体历史记忆,表现出了强烈的对华夏祖先的认同意识。这种文学现象的产生,源于乙未割台的历史背景,以及台湾地区诗人因反抗外敌侵入而日益增强的中华民族认同意识。


    Abstract: The literary phenomenon of writing about Chinese ancestors had emerged in Taiwan's poetry in 1895, involving Fuxi, Shennong, Huangdi, Yao, Shun and Yu, and almost showing a complete tree system of Chinese ancestors. These Taiwanese poets had shown a strong recognition of Chinese ancestors, through regarding themselves as Chinese descendents, naming the mainland after Chinese ancestors, or worshipping and yearning for Chinese ancestors, or inheriting the collective historical memory of Chinese ancestors. The emergence of this literary phenomenon is rooted in the historical process of ceding Taiwan in 1895, and the increasingly prominent Chinese national identity consciousness of Taiwan's poets consequently.


