
The Reflection on the System of Immediate Rescission of Labor——Centered on Article 38.1.6 of Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China

  • 摘要: 关于工伤伤残职工依据《工伤保险条例》第37条第2项提出解除劳动合同是否属于《劳动合同法》第38条第1款第6项规定的被迫即时解除,目前在司法实践中存在着“肯定说”和“否定说”两种截然不同的观点。《劳动合同法》第38条第1款第6项存在“构成要件和法律效果内部冲突”等立法缺陷。这些缺陷是“肯定说”产生的直接原因。“肯定说”基于严守规范文义原则,裁审中对劳动者被迫即时解除权产生的一般要件不做要求和考量,不仅使劳动者被迫即时解除劳动合同的立法目的在法律适用中不能实现,而且导致裁审结论中解除权依据指向不清,引发工伤伤残职工通过解除劳动合同追求经济利益产生道德风险等一系列问题。因此,在完善《劳动合同法》第38条第1款第6项这一兜底性规定时,一方面应避免列举遗漏;另一方面应展现劳动者被迫即时解除发生的一般性要件,弥补单纯列举模式下一般要件概括性不足的缺点。


    Abstract: Whether the termination of labor contract under Article 37.2 of Work-related Injury Regulation by a labor falls into the scope of involuntary immediate rescission under Article 37.2 of Work-related Injury Regulation, remains a controversial issue in current judicial practice. Several legislative defects exist in Article 38.1.6 of Labor Contract Law such as the internal conflicts between constitutive requirements and legal effects, resulting the positive standing on the above-mentioned issue. Based on the normative way of thinking, the positive standing overlooks the detailed consideration of the general constitutive requirements of involuntary immediate rescission, which would unavoidably result in a series of problems:the legislative intent of involuntary immediate rescission cannot be achieved in the application of the law; the legal ground of the right of immediate rescission remains unclear in arbitration or adjudication; as well as moral risks, and etc. It is argued that, to improve Article 38.1.6 of Labor Contract Law, the future revision should take the following two aspects into consideration:on one hand, the legal provision should list different situations as much as possible; on the other hand, the general requirement should be stipulated explicitly.


