From “Grandma's Village” to “the Home of Literature”——An Interview with LI Peifu
摘要: 李佩甫的文学追求走过了一个从懵懂到醒悟再到终于拥有自己的创作领地的灵魂寻找过程。从“姥姥的村庄”到“文学的家园”,他不断探索、追求并最终突破自我走向创作的成熟。笔者于2019和2020年两次对李佩甫先生就其文学创作的问题进行了访谈,李佩甫娓娓道来,从“姥姥瞎话儿”“中原情结”“生命追问”和“文体自觉”4个方面详谈了他文学创作的心路历程。Abstract: LI Peifu's literary pursuit has gone through a process of searching for the soul from ignorance to disillusionment and finally possessing the creative territory. From "Grandma's village" to "the home of literature", he continued to explore and pursue and finally broke through himself to the maturity of creation. LI Peifu talked about his literary creation in detail from four aspects: grandma's nonsense, the complex of the Central Plains, life inquiry and stylistic consciousness.