
On Tang Taizong's Literary Creation and His Strong “Yellow Emperor Complex”

  • 摘要: 综观唐太宗诗文,蕴含着浓厚的黄帝等古圣王情结。其信奉黄帝等古圣王的伟大功绩,赋诗作文对相关典故多有征引,或以之自喻、寄托理想,或以之为据、敷衍哲理,或以之为镜鉴、探求兴亡之道。唐太宗的诗,借助黄帝等古圣王功绩抒发政治抱负,丰富的历史内涵与强烈的政治豪情融为一体,气势雄浑,从中可领略贞观气象;唐太宗的文,以黄帝等古圣王的兴替为依据,求索古今治乱规律,制定君臣治国方略。概言之,其“黄帝情结”就是以古圣王为楷模,励精图治,济世安民,开创太平盛世的伟大梦想。


    Abstract: The poetry and prose of Tang Taizong contains a strong complex of the Sage Sovereign the Yellow Emperor (Huangdi). He believed in the great achievements of the Sage Sovereign, so his poems and compositions often cited relevant allusions, as self-evidences and ideals, or as a basis for perfunctory philosophies, or as a mirror to explore the way of rise and fall, and so on. Tang Taizong's poems express his political ambition with the Sage Sovereign, so the rich historical connotation and strong political pride are integrated into one. And we can appreciate Zhenguan meteorology from them. Based on the rise and fall of the Sage Sovereign, Tang Taizong's writings could seek the ancient and modern law of governing disorders and formulate the general strategy of governing the country by monarchs and ministers. In a word, the Yellow Emperor Complex is a great dream to take the Sage Sovereign as a model and to create a peaceful and prosperous era.


