Disney's animated film Mulan is based on the Chinese Northern Dynasty Yuefu song Mulan Ci. More than 20 years after the success of the animated film Mulan, Disney shot the live-action film Mulan and was on show in 2020. Mulan, from an animated film to a live-action film, is the product of a high-concept one after the transition of the Hollywood medium. The animated version of Mulan incorporates traditional American core values in its image construction, reflecting the anti-feminist movement that emerged in the United States in the late 1970s. The live-action version of Mulan, as a derivative work of Disney's orthodox animated film, reveals the American discourse hegemony of the reverse output of American culture. Under the background of globalization and cross-cultural perspective becoming the mainstream of film production, it is of great significance to analyze Hollywood's transformation and output of oriental culture from the social and historical level of the United States for studying the development direction of films and telling Chinese stories.