
The Understanding of “the Chinese Spirit Being the Soul of Socialist Literature and Art”

  • 摘要: 习近平关于“中国精神是社会主义文艺的灵魂”的科学论断,明确了社会主义文艺的价值追求、精神标杆和审美理想,是马克思主义文艺思想的重大理论创新。社会主义核心价值观、爱国主义、真善美、中外优秀文化遗产是“中国精神”的5个重要维度,其中,社会主义核心价值观是“中国精神”的灵魂,爱国主义是“中国精神”的主旋律,真善美是“中国精神”的永恒价值,中外优秀传统文化则赋予“中国精神”坚实的历史根基和宏阔的国际视野。一切文艺工作者只有高扬“中国精神”的大旗,遵循艺术创作之规律,在实践中积极探索彰显“中国精神”的有效路径,才能讲好中国故事,创造出无愧于时代和人民的社会主义文艺。


    Abstract: President XI's scientific judgment, "the Chinese spirit being the soul of socialist literature and art", has pointed out the value pursuit, spiritual benchmark and aesthetic ideal of socialist literature and art, and it is a major theoretical innovation of the Marxist thought on literature and art. Socialist core values, patriotism, the truth, goodness and beauty, the outstanding Chinese and foreign cultural heritages are the important dimensions of "the Chinese spirit". Moreover, socialist core values are the soul of the Chinese spirit, patriotism is its major theme; the truth, goodness and beauty are its eternal values, the outstanding Chinese and foreign cultural heritages are its historical foundations which can provide an international view. All the literary and art workers in China should uphold "the Chinese spirit", following the rules of artistic creation, and exploring effective ways of manifesting "the Chinese spirit" through practice so that they tell the Chinese stories well and create socialist literature and art which can be appreciated by the time and the people.


