
A Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on the E-commerce Consumption of Medical and Health Products: an Analysis of VAR Model Based on Alibaba Purchasing Index

  • 摘要: 基于新冠肺炎疫情对各行各业产生巨大冲击的背景,选择医疗卫生产品电商采购指数建立VAR模型,分析新冠肺炎疫情对医疗卫生产品电商消费冲击的影响。分析发现:新冠肺炎疫情促进了医疗卫生产品电商消费需求增长,为医疗卫生产品电商销售带来了契机,供应商和消费者对医疗卫生产品电商消费起到显著的正向影响。疫情对医疗卫生产品消费的冲击影响具有时间属性、短期性和外生性特征,随着时间的推移逐渐变化,并具有时滞性效应。为了有效地控制新冠肺炎疫情,合理引导医疗卫生产品电商消费,可以采用“推式技术”推送防疫宣传知识;以消费数字化转型应对公共突发卫生事件,提高医疗产业链应对突发情况的弹性和速度;利用疫情防控时空差异和时滞效应,扩大医疗防控物资的生产和出口;利用信息技术,合理布局产业结构。


    Abstract: In the background of the huge impact of COVID-19 on various industries, the medical and health product e-commerce procurement index was selected to establish a VAR model to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on the medical and health product e-commerce consumption. It was found that COVID-19 had an impact on e-commerce consumption of medical and health products, which has a time attribute, gradually changing over time and having a time-lag effect. In order to control the epidemic situation of COVID-19 effectively, recommendations were made to reasonably guide the consumption of medical and health goods by e-commerce.


