
Jin Yuelin and Wittgenstein: Two Ways of Criticizing Western Metaphysics

  • 摘要: 中国近代哲学家金岳霖批判西方的认识论和形而上学,但仍然以西方哲学的概念体系构建新的中国哲学。鉴于西方语言与形而上学之间的深层关联,他建构的中国哲学必然会被打上西方形而上学的烙印。与之相比,维特根斯坦通过语言批判给出的消解西方形而上学的出路虽然高明,但也给人们留下了更大的困惑,即哲学如果都是否定性的消解而不建构,它的出路在何方?安乐哲区分了理性语言和关联性语言,以古汉语中普遍存在的关联性思维来对抗西方的形而上学化的理性语言,从而为哲学的未来发展找到一条可行之路。


    Abstract: Modern Chinese philosopher Jin Yuelin criticized western epistemology and metaphysics, however, he still constructed a new Chinese philosophy by use of western concepts system. Because of the deep relations between western language and metaphysics, the new Chinese philosophy must be branded with western metaphysics. Though Wittgenstein dispelled western metaphysics, he didn't tell us the future of philosophy. By contrasting Chinese and Western philosophy, Roger Ames differences the rational language and correlative language, suggesting a possibility of future philosophy.


