
Schlegel and the Principles of the Enlightenment

  • 摘要: 18世纪启蒙运动有两大根本原则:理性批评与自然主义。以施莱格尔为代表的德国早期浪漫主义并非启蒙运动的对立面,相反它继承并发展了启蒙运动的根本原则。浪漫主义哲学的目标之一就在于在坚持批评原则的同时避免怀疑论,以及在坚持自然主义原则的同时避免无神论和宿命论。由于在自然主义与代表自由主权的批评原则之间仍然存在着张力,因而浪漫主义哲学的另一大目标在于平衡这种张力,而这在施莱格尔那里是通过把康德的观念论与斯宾诺莎的实在论结合起来完成的。


    Abstract: There are two fundamental principles in eighteenth century's Enlightenment:rational criticism and naturalism. Instead of the opposite of the Enlightenment, the early German romanticism under the leadership of F. Schlegel inherited and developed the principles of Enlightenment. One of the aims of the romanticism is to stick to the principle of criticism, while avoiding skepticism, and to insist on the principle of naturalism while averting atheism and fatalism. Since there are tension between naturalism and criticism, the other aim of romanticism is to balance that tension, which is accomplished by uniting Kant's idealism and Spinoza's realism in F. Schlegel's philosophy.


