
70 Years of China's Policy on Urban-rural Relationship: Adjustment and Evolution

  • 摘要: 中华人民共和国成立70年来,中国城乡关系政策经历了从“城乡兼顾”到“城乡二元”,再从“城乡统筹”到“城乡一体”“城乡融合”的演变过程。政策调整推动着城乡关系的历史演进。总体上看,这一调整和演进与马克思、恩格斯城乡关系发展理论相一致。实践表明,适宜的城乡关系政策是经济社会发展的发动机和稳定器。中共十九大立足于当代中国城乡关系发展现状,适时提出城乡融合发展新理念,据此,今后的城乡关系政策应继续沿着以工哺农、以城带乡、城乡互补、工农互促、全面融合、共同繁荣的思路来谋划。


    Abstract: In the 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's rural-urban relations policy has gone through the evolution process from "urban-rural balance" to "urban-rural duality", from "urban-rural overall development" to "urban-rural integration", and finally to "urban-rural merging". Policy adjustment is driving the historical evolution of urban-rural relations. On the whole, this adjustment and evolution are consistent with the theory of urban and rural relationship between Marx and Engels. Practice has shown that a proper policy on urban-rural relations is the engine, propellant and stabilizer of economic and social development. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, based on the current situation of the development of urban-rural relations in contemporary China, put forward a new concept of integrated urban-rural development in due time. In the future, the policy formulation of urban-rural relations should continue to follow the idea of feeding farmers with industry and bringing rural and urban areas together to promote comprehensive integration and common prosperity.


