
Rediscussion on the Naming Issue of the Shangcheng Uprising

  • 摘要: 商城起义作为鄂豫皖革命根据地奠基的三大武装起义之一,其名称在表述的过程中由于历史、现实及学术旨趣等原因,存在着“立夏节起义”“商南起义”“商南暴动”等不同称谓。基于中华人民共和国成立后对中共领导的革命斗争命名的政治、历史、文化、惯例等多重因素的考量,应以“商城起义”作为该历史事件的规范命名。


    Abstract: For historical, realistic and academic reasons, as one of the three major armed uprisings on the revolutionary bases of Hubei-Henan-Anhui, Shangcheng Uprising has different titles such as "Start of Summer Festival Uprising", "Shangnan Uprising" and "Shangnan Riot". Considering the political, historical, cultural and customary factors of naming the revolutionary struggle led by the Communist Party of China after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Shangcheng Uprising should be the proper name of this historical event.


