
The Characterization of Pathological Images in Henry James' The Portrait of a Lady

  • 摘要: 亨利·詹姆斯是一位终生与疾病相伴的小说家,对疾病有着特殊的情感体验。在文学创作中他强调疾病主题的价值,擅长病态人物的塑造,尤其是在《一位女士的画像》中把几种不同的病态人物聚合在一起,从病态人生的审美表达、浪漫书写和情感溯源三个方面进行细致的描写,勾勒出一幅幅生动的病态群像。疾病叙事构成詹姆斯小说病态人生书写的典型特征。


    Abstract: Henry James is a novelist suffering from a mysterious disease all through his life, and has a special passion for diseases. In his literary creation, James emphasizes the value of disease subjects and effect of pathological characters, especially in The Portrait of a Lady where he provides us with a rich collage of such male characters. They are miraculously depicted and vividly drawn in the terms of the aesthetic view, romantic feeling and emotional factor, sketching out a series of lively images with character depth. Disease narration is a typical feature of James' writing of morbid life in his novels.


